A SMART Cable Solution

The SMART Subsea Cables initiative seeks to revolutionize deep ocean observing by equipping transoceanic telecommunications cables with sensors to provide essential information of the state of the ocean.

The sensors will piggyback on the power and communications present in the cables and will collect data on three critical environmental variables of the deep ocean:

  • Temperature: SMART will characterize the changing climate with improved estimates of ocean heat content and sea level rise as relates to water’s thermal expansion;

  • Ocean bottom pressure: SMART will measure ocean circulation insofar as water flows from areas of high to low pressure, track sea level rise related to melting land ice, and improve tsunami early warning via direct real-time measurement of sea surface elevation;

  • Seismic acceleration: SMART will monitor seabed seismic activity to improve early warning for earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes, and yield superior risk assessments for vulnerable coastal areas.

All will benefit from the cable infrastructure: sustained, real time, high reliability, long life (25 years), communication and power.


Vanuatu – New Caledonia SMART Cable Project


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